What exactly is
From 1858 to 1945 Stoewer made mainly sewing machines, typewriters, bicycles and cars, and small numbers of some other products. The factory was in Stettin, the capital town in the former German province of Pommern. In 1896 Stoewer divided into two totally independent companies, both of which bore the Stoewer family name. They were not in competition with each other as they manufactured different products. One concentrated on sewing machines, typewriters and bicycles, the other on cars, lorries and buses. These facts explain how the history of the companies is stamped by the pioneering spirit of its founding fathers. They not only gave their name, but also their creative and entrepreneurial skills to the development of Stoewer.
recent years the group “Stoewer Friends”, whose
either own a Stoewer product, have a connection with, or a feeling for
make, has become established. So the name “Stoewer” will not be
Click on both buttons above if you want to learn more about the two Stoewer companies.